Ophiuchus Main Sign in Scorpio?
In more ancient skies the constellation Ophiuchus was shown as an Eagle holding a serpent, its enemy in its mouth and coming down on the scorpion with its talons about to rip it apart. I have only read about this many years ago and have forgotten where I have seen it. But that makes more sense for an eagle to be the main constellation for this Sign rather than a scorpion. It would also be one of four Cherub surrounding the throne of YeHoVaH, which is in the center of the heavens. The Eagle (above Scorpio); the Man (Aquarius); the Bull (Taurus); the Lion (Leo). The Eagle destroying the enemy, the serpent and the scorpion, should be the main theme of this sign, not the scorpion wounding the seed of the woman. The enemy will be totally annihilated by the seed of the woman.
Ophiuchus should be the main Sign here, not Scorpio. Scorpio should be a Decan constellation on this sign. When and where this got so messed up is unknown, but I believe this will be all straightened out in the very near future. Below is Michele Abraham’s painting of Ophiuchus. For now, we will have to imagine an eagle here instead of a person as it was 6,000 years ago.
The diagram below shows how the Twelve Tribes of Israel were encamped in the wilderness. The following is from E. W. Bullinger in his book The Witness of the Stars, 1893. “There can be no doubt. As the learned Authoress (Frances Rolleston) of Mazzaroth conclusively proves, that these signs were afterwards identified with the twelve sons of Jacob. Joseph sees the sun and moon and eleven stars bowing down to him, he himself being the twelfth (Gen 37:9). The blessing of Jacob (Gen 49) and the blessing of Moses (Deut 33) both bear witness to the existence of these signs in their day. And it is more than probable that each of the Twelve Tribes bore one of them on its standard. We read in Numbers 2:2, ‘Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own STANDARD, with the ENSIGN of their father’s house’ (RV “with the ensigns of their fathers’ houses). This “Standard” was the Degel (Hebrew) on which the “Sign” (Hebrew oth) was depicted. Hence it was called the “En-sign.” Ancient Jewish authorities declare that each tribe had one of the signs as its own, and it is highly probable, even from Scripture, that four of the tribes carried its “Sign”; and that these four were placed at the four sides of the camp.
If the Lion were appropriated to Judah, then the other three would be thus fixed, and would be the same four that equally divide the Zodiac at its four cardinal points. According to Numbers 2 the camp was thus formed: —
If the reader compares the above with the blessings of Israel and Moses, and compares the meanings and descriptions given below with those blessings, the connection will be clearly seen. Levi, for example, had no standard, and he needed none, for he kept “the balance of the Sanctuary,” and had the charge of that brazen altar on which the atoning blood outweighed the nation’s sins.
The four great signs which thus marked the four sides of the camp, and the four quarters of the Zodiac, are the same four which form the Cherub (the Eagle, the Scorpions enemy, being substituted for the Scorpion). The Cherubim thus form a compendious expression of the hope of Creation, which, from the very first, has been bound up with the Coming One, who alone should cause its groanings to cease”
July 11, 2022 @ 6:39 am
Thanks Bob for your latest blog and the insights presented. Once again a very interesting article. The more I study the Word and The Way the more amazed I am at the intricate design of the Creator.
July 12, 2022 @ 8:18 am
This confirms many things. Thank you!
July 18, 2022 @ 2:32 am
Thankyou Bob!
Is there any place we can see all of Michelle Abraham’s artwork? I have tried looking online for it and her and can’t find anything!
Also, will your previous book become available in any format?
July 18, 2022 @ 1:57 pm
Michele and I only got through the first four signs with their decan constellations before our funding to do the constellations was cut off. Michele painted the first sixteen constellations plus the constellation Auriga. We plan on putting them all together with hyperlinks to all 48 constellations with 17 of them being Michelle’s paintings of the constellations. I may be a while before Chris can do this since he is very busy and works a lot of hours besides his volluntare work for Biblical Astronomy. In the meantime, all of the constellations are on the last 2 or 3 pages of of various Newsletters that I wrote from later 2006/7 to 2013. Not all newsletters have constellation articles in them but at least 46 of all the newsletters from the above time period will have all 48 of the constellation articles in them. You can copy and print the last two or three pages of them all and make your own 100 + page book of the constellations. They can be found in the Newsletters section at http://www.biblicalastronomy.com
On another note, the video teachings on Biblical Astronomy are back up on the Biblical Astronomy website at biblicalastronomy.org in the Videos sectiom. For some reason about 1/3 of the teaching on the Biblical meanings of constellations and planets is missing in the first video. We hope to have this fixed soon. If you wish, you can order the 3-DVD set on these teachings with the entire teaching plus much clearer video from the DVDs for $50 (includes shipping within the USA. For orders from overseas add $40 for shipping fees. You can order the DVD set via PayPal. My PayPal account is starguy1@comcast.net or you can send a check or money order for $50 if you live in the USA to:
Robert Wadsworth
136 A.V. Davis Rd., Apt 2
Oregon City, OR 97045
July 18, 2022 @ 2:30 pm
Michelle’s paintings of the constellations start with the May 2005 newsletter. The constellation articles start with the June 2005 issue of Biblical Astronomy. There is also a picture of Michele painting the constellations in that issue. So the constellation articles start in June 2005 and go through the September 2012 newsletters.
December 3, 2022 @ 5:25 am
Yes. All the evidence points Ophiuchus (Messiah) was the Main Sign. Not Scorpio (Devil). The movement and duration of the Sun’s sojourn on Scorpio and Ophiuchus witness which was the Main Sign. Couple of years ago when I understood that the Sun actually tabernacles about three weeks on Ophiuchus but only about one week on Scorpio. So we do not have to be a rocket scientist to understood which was the Main Sign according to the Sun’s path. This could be easily verified with the help of the home computer astronomy software such as Stellarium.org or Starry Night Pro.
The Creator of the heavens and earth does not share His glory with the devil but the heavens declare His righteousness.
Shabbat Shalom in Yeshua’s mighty name!