It is that time of the year again for the Perseids Meteor Shower.  The Perseids Meteor Shower is the most popular meteor shower for the general populous since it occurs in the warm month of August and usually puts on a good show.  The shower generally starts around August 6 and runs through about August 18.  The peak of the shower is always on August 12.  This year there will be the light of the full moon hindering the view of the smaller meteors.  The best time to view the shower will be after 4 a.m. local time, after the moon sets and before twilight. The meteors should be falling at the rate of around 100 per hour at the peak of the shower on the morning of August 12, and maybe on the morning of August 13 as well.


Meteor showers are named from the constellation where their radiant lies.  The radiant of this meteor shower, which is marked by an X in the diagram on the left, is between the sword of Perseus and the constellation Cassiopeia.

The constellation Perseus or Peretz in Hebrew (the breaker) represents Messiah coming to deliver the captive bride (Andromeda).  This meteor shower puts to mind sparks flying from Messiah’s sword as He does battle with the beast and his armies.  In the picture shown for the constellation Peretz, the Breaker is holding in his left-hand Rosh Satan, the head of Satan after defeating him, just as David held the head of Goliath after defeating that beast that came up against Israel.