
August, 2022

It is that time of the year again for the Perseids Meteor Shower.  The Perseids Meteor Shower is the most popular meteor shower for the general populous since it occurs in the warm month of August and usually puts on a good show.  The shower generally starts around August 6 and runs through about August 18.  The…

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July, 2022
Ophiuchus Main Sign in Scorpio?

In more ancient skies the constellation Ophiuchus was shown as an Eagle holding a serpent, its enemy in its mouth and coming down on the scorpion with its talons about to rip it apart.  I have only read about this many years ago and have forgotten where I have seen it.  But that makes…

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June, 2022
New Moon Report on June 30, 2022

The New Moon was sighted from Israel this evening, Thursday, June 30, 2022! * From Jerusalem at 8:03pm by Devorah Gordon, followed by Tchiya Jenkins, Gil Ashendorf, and three others * From Ma’ale Afummim at 19:58 by Roy Hoffman. * From Tiberias at 8:01pm by Dennis Chkolnik * From Haifa at 8:10pm by Ephraim…

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New Moon Observation on June 30, 2022

Today, JUN 30 is the 30th day of the 3rd month and it is the first day the first sliver of the new moon could possibly be visible to the naked eye in Israel. Therefore, observers in Israel will be looking for the Renewed Moon of the 4th month around sunset (7:48pm IST /…

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A Rare Planetary Alignment

There will be an interesting alignment of the moon and seven of the nine planets orbiting the sun on June 24, 2022. Other than Earth, Pluto is the only other planet that is not in this lineup. Pluto is no longer considered a planet by most Astronomers because of its small size. Pluto is…

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May, 2022
New Moon Report on May 31, 2022

The New Moon was sighted from Israel this evening, Tuesday, May 31, 2022! * From Jerusalem (Old City) at 8:06pm by Chris Guenther. * From Jerusalem (Jaffa gate) at 8:12pm by Yoel Halevi. * From Jerusalem (Rechavia) at 8:15pm by Tchiya Jenkins, followed by three others. This means that sunset on May 31, 2022…

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New Moon Observation on May 31, 2022

Today, MAY 31 is the 29th day of the 2nd month and it is the first day the first sliver of the new moon could possibly be visible to the naked eye in Israel. Therefore, observers in Israel will be looking for the Renewed Moon of the 3rd month around sunset (7:39pm IDT /…

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Important Information Concerning the Jupiter and Mars Conjunction on May 29

About every 2,250 years, the Vernal Equinox changes from one of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac to the next Sign.  The astronomical term for this event is the Precession of the Equinox.  The last time this occurred was in 68 BCE, when the Vernal Equinox passed from the Sign Aries to the Sign…

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Close Conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in Pisces

There will be a very close conjunction of the planets Jupiter (Zedek) and Mars (Adom) between the constellations Pisces (the Two Houses of Israel) and Cetus (the Beast from Sea), in the early morning (about forty-five minutes before sunrise) on May 29. See the charts below from the May 2022 issue of Sky &…

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Total Lunar Eclipse | May 16, 2022

Greetings to all former subscribers to the Biblical Astronomy newsletters and to all subscribers to Biblical as well as to all newcomers who are interested in this subject. It has been nearly nine years since I posted my last newsletter in June 2013. I have been going through some physical struggles which for…

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