New Moon Report on June 30, 2022
The New Moon was sighted from Israel this evening, Thursday, June 30, 2022! * From Jerusalem at 8:03pm by Devorah Gordon, followed by Tchiya Jenkins, Gil Ashendorf, and three others * From Ma'ale Afummim at 19:58 by Roy Hoffman. * From Tiberias at 8:01pm by Dennis Chkolnik * From Haifa at 8:10pm by Ephraim Amnon * From Beer Sheva at 8:14pm by Yochanan Zaqantov This means that sunset on June 30, 2022 marks the beginning of the 4th month. The photo at the top of this report was taken from Devorah Gordon's observation point in Jerusalem this evening. New Moon...

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New Moon Observation on June 30, 2022
Today, JUN 30 is the 30th day of the 3rd month and it is the first day the first sliver of the new moon could possibly be visible to the naked eye in Israel. Therefore, observers in Israel will be looking for the Renewed Moon of the 4th month around sunset (7:48pm IST / 12:48pm EDT). Since today is the 30th day of the month, whether or not the moon is sighted today, new moon day will be from sunset JUL 1 to sunset JUL 2 by default, because months can only have 29 or 30 days. The Renewed Moon...

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A Rare Planetary Alignment
There will be an interesting alignment of the moon and seven of the nine planets orbiting the sun on June 24, 2022. Other than Earth, Pluto is the only other planet that is not in this lineup. Pluto is no longer considered a planet by most Astronomers because of its small size. Pluto is now classified as a planetoid. This type of alignment occurs about every twenty-five years. But with all seven planets involved, this event is rarer than normal. It would take me days to go through possibly thousands of years to find out how rare this particular alignment...

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